The importance of closing the loop in public perception

May 9th, 2016

“In public consultation, as in any personal relationship, continuity and familiarity build trust and understanding.”
International Finance Corporation, 1998

Closing the loop is a critical part of good public perception

The process of reporting back in community engagement is vital in building trust and respect with stakeholders. Letting interested parties know what has happened with the feedback provided during consultation, the importance of their contribution to the project, and what the next step will be is a basic principle of good practice, and a common courtesy.


The importance of closing the loop in public perception








There are also benefits to closing the consultation loop:

  • double-checking information
  • testing the stakeholder’s reaction to the proposed management plans or mitigation measures
  • obtaining further feedback to refine the plans before implementation
  • getting buy-in from key stakeholders for such plans.

This practical approach helps increase the success rate for the next phase of the project.

The process of reporting back to stakeholders about how their concerns or suggestions have influenced the project decisions can help establish credibility, manage expectations and reduce consultation fatigue or cynicism. A company can experience a significant drop in the participation rate and an increase in skepticism among the stakeholders if using the “parachute consultation” style, where consultation occurs periodically but the outcomes are not communicated to those who participated.

To learn more about how to plan and implement a successful community consultation process for better public perception, check out our free ebook using the link below. In this e-book you will find:

  • A step-by-step guide through all the stages of planning, delivering and reporting on a successful consultation program
  • A framework for a Stakeholder Engagement Plan
  • Links to additional resources to assist with public perception