Epping Forest District Council – Local Plan Consultation

Epping Forest District Council has been working to produce a new up-to-date Local Plan, which will set out the plans and policies to guide development in Epping Forest District up until 2033. The council consultation was undertaken with complete input from the public.
The Draft Local Plan was published for a six-week consultation between October 31 and December 12 December 2016. Six public exhibitions were held in November to give the public the opportunity to find out more about the draft plan and speak to the Planning Policy team.

Deputy Chief Executive Derek Macnab at the Ongar exhibition. Source: Epping Forest District Council
Epping Forest Council and their consultants Remarkable Pendragon have been using Darzin to manage the Local Plan consultation.
An online questionnaire was created in Darzin and embedded into the Council’s website to make it easy for the public to provide feedback on the plan. A hard copy of the questionnaire was also made available at the static information points and staffed exhibitions, as well as at the Council’s offices. The team made use of the Darzin survey function to analyse feedback on all aspects of the plan from those who completed the questionnaire.

Consultation with the youth about the Local Plan. Source: Epping Forest District Council
Over 1500 submissions made during the consultation period were also entered into Darzin for analyses. Responses to individual policies, priorities for specific localities and other key themes were analysed through Darzin quantitative and qualitative reports.

Neil Bartlett and councillor Leon Girling hand in Local Plan responses about Jessel Green in Loughton to Epping Forest District Council. Source: The Guardian