Switching to Darzin for Better Stakeholder CRM

Nautilus Mineral is the first company to commercially explore the seafloor for massive sulphide systems, a potential source of high grade copper, gold, zinc and silver. The world’s first seafloor copper-gold project, Solwara 1, is under development in Papua New Guinea and needed to implement a better stakeholder CRM in its process.

Nautilus community consultation program. Source: Nautilus Minerals
Easy Data Entry and Reporting with Darzin Stakeholder CRM
A comprehensive community consultation program has been undertaken by Nautilus Minerals to ensure community and stakeholder issues and suggestions are considered in the project design. Prior to using Darzin, separate access databases were used to manage stakeholder engagement activities and to track media relations. All historical community engagement data was imported into Darzin to ensure continuity in stakeholder information knowledge.
The corporate affairs team was very excited when Darzin was introduced to them, as Darzin made their tasks so easy from data entry to analysis and reporting. The team is currently using Darzin to track all media interactions so all engagement information is integrated and kept together in one place. The team is happy that they will never have to use access databases for community engagement data management ever again.

Water and sanitation opening at Kurumut. Source: Nautilus Minerals