FREE eBooks:
Learn how to do stakeholder engagement right
Across the team, we have more than 20 years’ experience in stakeholder engagement. So we’ve learned, through hard-won experience, how to run a campaign that delivers results for everyone.
Now, thanks to our in-depth guides, you can tap into that knowledge. Written by our in-house stakeholder engagement experts, Allison Hendricks and Hoa Tran, our ebooks are the ideal resource for anyone who wants to truly deep-dive.

Over the last decade or so, we’ve seen a massive increase in stakeholder engagement. It’s gone from a relatively unknown term to a standard function that’s critical to many organizations.
Whether you’re a stakeholder professional or stakeholder engagement is just one part of your role, it’s worth understanding why stakeholder engagement matters – now, more than ever.
In this eBook, you will find
- What is stakeholder management
- 18 reasons why you should invest your efforts in stakeholder management

Human rights obligations are without exception always a critical point of discussion for any industry. Businesses in emerging markets confront the rising expectations to mitigate and address human rights risks and impact through regulations and ethic requirements. Today, it is not enough to claim that a business is ethical, the business must show it in practice too as consequences are dire.
In this eBook we address:
- Legal and ethical regulations on human rights expectations on businesses
- Impact of COVID-19 in highlighting mass violation of human rights by employers
- Social and legal implications and risks of undermining human rights on businesses
- How businesses can successfully engage and participate in addressing human rights
- Case studies of good business practices

This was one of our most successful e-books and continues to be downloaded by thousands of people from all over the world. In this ebook you will find:
- A step-by-step guide through all the stages of planning, delivering, and reporting on a successful consultation program.
- A framework for a Consultation Plan
- Links to additional resources
What is successful consultation?
This is a question we ask all our clients and the answers vary from risk management, meeting statutory requirements, to gaining a social license to operate. Darzin trainer Hoa Tran has condensed some of her learnings over the last couple of decades of running successful consultation programs, and more recently, training clients in how to plan and manage a successful program into this e-book

As you know, there are significant challenges associated with evaluating community engagement and public consultation processes.
This ebook addresses the most pressing of these challenges and provides a practical framework for evaluating stakeholder engagements and public consultation.
In this 31-page ebook you’ll find:
- An evaluation framework
- A guide to planning and implementing a 360-degree evaluation of your consultation
- Details of other evaluation approaches
- And much more

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) affect all government agencies and businesses in Europe and the UK. Similar legislation exists in a growing number of countries around the world. And the consequences of non-compliance are significant.
Do you understand how the GDPR impacts your consultation programs and associated data management? And how to ensure you comply?
We’ve put together a guide to understanding and complying with the GDPR from a public consultation perspective.
In this 30-page ebook you’ll find:
- An explanation of the key clauses
- Tips and strategies for responding to each of the requirements
- Checklists to test your readiness for the GDPR
- And much more

A well-functioning grievance mechanism provides a transparent, credible and fair process to all parties. It enhances outcomes and gives people the satisfaction that their complaints have been heard – even in those cases where the outcome is less than optimal.
In this 45-page ebook you’ll find:
- A detailed discussion of the key principles of an effective grievance mechanism
- A sample framework for a grievance procedure
- Practical examples demonstrating how the basic principles can be applied to your projects
- And much more